The Wedding Gamble【電子書籍】[ Julia Justiss ]


<p><em>Sarah Wallingford Would Do Her Duty</em></p> <p>Even if that meant putting herself on the Marriage Mart during a London season she could ill afford--and did not desire. Now ironic circumstance had wed her to the compelling Marquess of Englemere, a fabled gamester, who had awakened passions she was honor-bound not to express!</p> <p>A marriage of convenience could be deucedly inconvenient--even for a marquess--when one was perilously close to loving his own wife! But that was impossible, Nicholas Stanhope knew, for hadn't his tragic past proven that women--especially wives--were not to be trusted?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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